RoboRiot Update #4 (Sent Feb. 8th, 2018)

Welcome To Update #4.

Hello RoboRiot students, parents, and mentors. We are here to showcase our fourth installation of the RoboRiot Updates.

Each week, the pressure is on to make the best results and the changes necessary to make the robot in the best shape for the regional.

We begin with our Fabrication team. They have been putting creating and formalizing the parts for the shooter and the intake, as well as assembling the team’s drive train.

Moving rather quickly to the CAD team, they have been putting more hours into the computers with the finalization of the robot’s shooter, intake, and transfer mechanism.

The Programming loft space has been making sure that their scouting app is functioning properly to type in information, as well as typing up sub-systems into code.

Business has continued to do their job of updating the hours, as well as making sure students keep track of their hours.

A short, sweet, and to the point e-mail, this might be our shortest newsletter to date.

We thank you for reading with us! At the end of this e-mail, there should be some photographs to view what our work space looks like.

The RoboRiot Business Team