We have made it past Bag Night and are even closer to our competition in Milwaukee, and we need students to be here as much as possible. We have just four meetings left to get our drivers and pit crew trained.
On Thursday, March 16th, we are having our open house at Kohler Engines at 4 PM. We will be joined by Bond Brigade and Red Raider Robotics. Students, wear your yellow RR t-shirts.
We have gotten our shirts ordered, after some trouble with the first order. All of our first year students should have gotten their team t-shirts already, so veteran students’ shirts are on their way. Extra shirts are available in selected sizes, so if you want an extra or if friends and family need one, they will be available for purchase.
We have new work shirts on their way as well, with blue sleeves and updated sponsor logos. This year RoboRiot will be covering the cost of these work shirts so that everyone can be matching! Hip hip hooray for coordinating outfits!
Have you seen some really awesome, blue, furry hats? Well we have, thanks to our mentors Renee and Becky! They have been busy making tutus too (in blue and yellow, of course) and those cool hats! From blue pigtails to mohawks, their creativity abounds.
We are going to be having our first-ever photo competition at the Milwaukee Regional. From Thursday through Saturday, take as many photos as you can. We want to have as many different perspectives as possible for our photo galleries and website. Send them all to dgarretthuffman@gmail.com or roboriotinfo@gmail.com . The Business Team will be selecting our four favorite photos and they will be in a featured section of our website. All others will be featured in our online galleries or elsewhere on our website and social media. We’ll let you know when the galleries are open for viewing.
Also, if you have any photos you took during the build season you think we should see, please send them. Just be sure to let us know in the email.