On February 20th, our team went to Hamilton High School in Sussex, Wisconsin to practice with our robot on a full scale field. This was a great experience for our young members, because it was their first time and really let them get a feel of what a robotics mini-competition is like.
Attending Sussex also helped our drive team to test their teamwork and driving skills. Our drive team for this year consists of Kaden Beltran (Primary Driver), Conner Guillette (Secondary Driver), and Hannah Pratsch (Drive Team Coach). Kaden and Conner make a great team and each were chosen for their experience in some form of drive practice. Hannah is our drive team coach because she knows the robot’s programming, and how the robot communicates with the controllers.
Sussex is a great way to develop team spirit! We were able to chant when our team was going out onto the field. This was a great way for the team to come up with ideas, and to have fun with our teammates. We also took this as an opportunity to train our scout team, so they could practice inputting data, so we can later train them on how to make a decision on what team would work best with ours.

P.S- We have competition on March 24th-26th!!!