RoboRiot Update #4 (Sent Feb. 8th, 2018)

Welcome To Update #4. Hello RoboRiot students, parents, and mentors. We are here to showcase our fourth installation of the RoboRiot Updates. Each week, the pressure is on to make the best results and the changes necessary to make the robot in the best shape for the regional. We begin with our Fabrication team. They…

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RoboRiot Team Update #3 (Sent Jan. 23rd, 2018)

Volume 3. Hello RoboRiot students, parents, and mentors. It’s that time again. Time for a new team update! Courtesy of the RoboRiot Business Team. Starting off with the CAD team, they have finally completed the model of the Chassis and are ready to send it to Curt Joa, one of our sponsors. They have also started…

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RoboRiot Team Update #2 (Sent Jan. 18th, 2018)

It’s our second round! Hello RoboRiot students, parents, and mentors. We are pleased to bring you the second issue of our RoboRiot team update! Over the course of our build season starting after the Kick-Off, we have been honing new techniques and skills to put into our robot’s design, as well as using our minds to…

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RoboRiot Team Update #1 (Sent Dec. 9th, 2017)

Our First Newsletter to You! Greetings to RoboRiot students, parents, mentors, our valued sponsors, and friends! This is the first edition of the RoboRiot 2017-2018 season newsletter, sent to you by the RoboRiot Student Business Group. This will keep you up to date on all things that are happening in and around the Innovation and Design…

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